Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wine in the Woods 5K Recap and Struggling with Training Motivation

The Wine in the Woods 5k was an interesting race.

First, it was the very first race I went to completely alone. I gave my stressed out husband a pass to relax and sleep in for this one since he has been amazing getting up at 5 am for other races, like the half marathon. Second, it was a lot warmer and sunnier than I was expecting. Around mile 2, I was regretting my decision not to bring a small water bottle with me. There were no water stops on the course. Finally, the course got VERY hilly at the end and I did NOT pace myself accordingly. I wanted to set a PR so I basically ran at tempo speed. I finished with a final time of 34 minutes 12 seconds. Still a good time and a minute improvement over my last 5k, but I was hoping for 32-33 minutes. I was disappointed, but after putting things into perspective, I'm really proud of that time even though it was hot, humid and hilly.

Having such a negative view of that race time explains the frame of mind I've been in for the past week. I'm forgetting where I've come from. My first 5k, only 13 months ago, had a finish time of 41 minutes. Running takes TIME to improve.

Found this on Facebook. Perfect!

I've been exhausted this week so far and find it very hard to get moving. Sunday was the last time I've run and the last two days have been lazy. Monday I was truly sore and needed to recoup. Yesterday I was in a bad place mentally and just wanted to lay around. Work helped pull me out of the funk and remind myself why I'm doing this insane training and insane race. I was able to help a woman with hydration and fueling advice for her first full marathon. It was nice to have someone to bond with and relate to.

A very smart woman suggested that I list some things that I am grateful for to help me get out of training funks. So here we go!

Gratitude List, Running Edition:

  • In a tad over a year's time, I've improved my 5k time by 7 minutes! I'm thankful for improving this much this fast. I know others have improved faster, and still others have improved at a slower pace. 
  • I've successfully completed 5Ks, 10Ks, a half marathon and all different distances in between.
  • I love all the running blogs available on the internet and following running groups on facebook. It makes me feel less alone.
  • I love the inclusive culture of running. I like to cheer for the runners coming in after me because I was there not too long ago and it feels great to come in to a cheering crowd. 
  • I'm grateful for having a wonderful running mentor, my father, and even though he worries about me training for a marathon so fast, he's nothing but supportive.
  • I'm grateful for being able to afford to purchase running shoes and gear. 
  • I'm mega grateful for my job at the running store so I can geek out with other runners, teach new runners things I wish I had known starting out, help injured runners with great products that have helped me heal from certain injuries, and, of course, afford my habit. ; )
  • I'm grateful for my legs and the ability to run while I can.
  • I'm grateful for the amazing runners high that pops up during a run every now and again
  • I'm grateful for a hot shower after a long run and my foot rubz ball to help work out any aches and pains.
  • And finally, I'm thankful for my amazing husband who is a great support, race photographer, and motivator to get out there and kick some asphalt! He's my rock!
I honestly can say that I feel better after making that list. Sometimes we need to get back to why we started doing what we love and why we love it in order to stay motivated. My challenge to everyone would to make a gratitude list of your own when you're feeling down. It helped me feel better, and I hope it helps someone else. 

Now I'm going for a 7 mile run.

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